Friday 4 March 2016

February 2016 Report

Farming God's Way Ministry
February 2016
Fields and Selling

Lindsey and I, along with her parents, Alex and Lauren Carter and Levi another friend, arrived in Nairobi on the 2nd of this month.  Lindsey’s parents stayed with us for about a week while the other three stayed until the 28th of this month.  It is always great having visitors with us here as they make us feel that we are not alone in this.  Of course we know that we have our supporters which we are very appreciative, but there is something that makes it much more meaningful when people stop their lives to come visit and serve directly along side of us. We are so grateful that they were all able to come visit and get dirty in the fields with us.  As we did work in the fields some, much of our time was spent just hanging out, readjusting to the temperatures and the Kenyan culture.

In Jimba with pastor Daniel helping wead.

Had a good turnout in Gandini 
 Gandini clearing and leveling
Gandini making straight rows
 Gandini digging holes
 Gandini laying blanket

Singwaya we only cleared the plot. We will return later to dig holes and lay blanket.


Mjombini we only measured and placed our markers in the field.  In this sand if you dig the holes to early you will find yourself digging them again before planting.

As you should already be aware, my wife and I will be moving back to the States in the first part of June.  Therefore, the remainder of our time here will be spent in the fields teaching Farming God's Way and we will also be selling as many things as possible. We are also trying to help the Taylors get as many things sold as possible. However in their 15 years working here they have acquired a little more than Lindsey and I. As I’m writing this I am waiting on a call to close the deal on James’s land rover, the little moped/scooter, all the weightlifting equipment and many of the tools.  Hopefully today will be a good day of selling things. Wish it were cooler outside. 

During this month we have started Farming God's Way plots in Gandini, Singwaya, Mjombini, and still working with pastor Daniel in Jimba.  We have also gotten everything ready to be sold. Before our visitors left we were able to spend time on the beach and visit both Tsavo East and West.

 A night at Driftwood before our friends left us.

Just holding snakes with Lindsey's parents JW "Buzzy" and Tammy.

Pray for us that we will be able to sell everything we need to sell and that we would finish well with FGW ministry. 
Pray for the Strader family as they continue to minister.
Pray for the Churches and Bible Institute in Kenya.